P90X: Day 23 – Core Synergistics

24 07 2009

This was the first time I did this dvd, Core Synergistics. It was TOUGH! I was pleasantly surprised at myself when we did the Side Reach High & Under Push-ups. You start in a regular push-up and then turn to the side on one arm, reaching straight into the sky. I had a tough time with this move from the Yoga X dvd, but I got the hang of it by locking my feet. That way I was able to stabilize myself. Before that I felt like my feet/leg wouldn’t “stay”. I could actually hold myself up on my side, which felt triumphant. Then after you hold for a beat or 2, you stay on the one arm and reach under and behind you, while balancing.

You also don’t do repeats of the exercises or record any reps. I think I like the idea of doing that better than repeats, but then again I don’t mind the repeat sets either. I realized my living room isn’t big enough for me to do all the Banana & Superman Rolls and what not on the dvd, so I just do my best and bang into things! They are kind of hard but they get you squirming around all over the floor.


I ruined part of my yoga mat with my shoes, as you use the mat and regular floor for this dvd. I started doubling up my mat now because it is more comfortable that way.

This is the Lunge & Reach action, where you act like you’re picking up a box from one side of the floor and putting it on a shelf that is higher than your head on the opposite side. I used a 5 pound weight this time as I didn’t want to sacrifice form and I was wiped! Prepare for max reps on this dvd!

This one is a Squat Run where you get into a squat (I probably should have gone lower) and move your arms like you’re running. This one is killer if you really push yourself!

This one is a Squat X-Press where you squat down and then come up into an “X” shape. This whole dvd I used light weights as there are many more reps.

P90X: Day 22 – Yoga X (Starting Week 4)

23 07 2009

I feel like I just did the Yoga X dvd…oh wait…I just did 2 days ago! Today starts Week 4, or the Recovery Phase. It doesn’t have anything to do with weights, at least I don’t think so since tomorrow is a dvd I have not yet done (Core Synergistics). I never knew just how exhausting Downward Dogs could be. Seriously, when Tony Horton finally says: “The best Downward Dog of your life!“ on the last one of the dvd I always say a silent ”You better freakin’ believe it!!!“ I don’t know if it is normal or not, but my arms are always burning when doing them. I am able to flatten my hells more to the floor, but not without discomfort. I like the balance and floor exercises very much.

Here is a move that I couldn’t do without collapsing on my head like a super wimp 3 weeks ago: Crane. I can’t hold it for the full minute that he gives you, but I did maybe four 5-10 second intervals. Sorry no side view, but my feet are actually off the ground and I have my inner thighs resting on the back of my elbow area. it is a strength and balance pose where essentially you hover in the air on your elbows. Try doing this after a few shots; if you can do it without falling, have another shot! Willow decided to get in on the action…

This is a Downward Dog that turns into Tony Horton saying something like “Now kick your leg back into the air as high as you can…” and so far it is always a struggle for me. But I am feeling good and sore at the same time. The people in the dvd are practically tapping the ceiling compared to me.

I had to stretch my legs! Willow figured I must be done working out and now the mat is all hers! Wrong!

P90X: Day 21 – X Stretch (Week 3 Complete!!)

22 07 2009

This is the end of the 3rd week of P90X!! I could rest or do X Stretch – of course I did the dvd! I feel like if I give myself the chance to lose the momentum then it would be like, “OK, I can skip one day…I can skip one more day…” then it might turn into stopping altogether. I went for a nice walk this morning with Paul and although it looked like it might rain, there was hope in the air with a few rays of sunlight. It was very muggy out though, so I think it might rain again. Yay! No having to water my garden! Thanks Mother Nature!

Amy did the dvd with me and she found it very hard. I reminded her that even though it is just stretching, it is X Stretching! There are still things I cannot fully do, but I know I am better at than 3 weeks ago. She was still quite flexible in the hamstrings, whereas I am more flexible but still tight. I have used these things called Bongers on my shoulders before to loosen the tension. They give a Shiatsu-like massage. They look like long butter knives with racquet balls on the tips. The “knife” part is flexible and you get into a rhythm when you use them. If you try them at first they might seem like they are using you like a punching bag, but once you get accustomed to the sensation you will love it. Bong me!

Bongers….don’t bong the kidneys!

Slowly but surely I am on my way! Week 3 complete! BRING IT!

P90X: Day 20 – Kenpo X Madness

21 07 2009

Even thought this is Kenpo X, there are still quite a few jump moves in-between the exercises that rattle my house. I really need to work on the flexibility in my hips so I can do my kicks better. The back kicks aren’t my problem, it is the side kicks mainly. I want to get more height but it is like my hips are locked or something! I am looking forward to the week 4’s routine since Yoga X is twice that week. I am also looking into trying to attend formal yoga classes to increase my flexibility and overall mind/body improvement.

I would love to take Transcendental Meditation (“TM“) courses in an actual classroom, but the ones I was looking into are expensive and I don’t have the moola at the present! There are so many benefits to TM, like reducing stress, increasing IQ and creativity, increasing awareness and general well-being. It’s like a pocketful of peace that you can unlock whenever you have the time. Also, I read somewhere that if you meditate twice a day you actually can live longer! Of course, living longer means nothing if you’re not in good health, so that’s why I am working so hard to get back into shape. There is course and fee information here: http://www.tm.org/learn if you are interested.

…setting up the camera the best I can! I know most of the pictures I post aren’t exactly ”Glamour Shots,“ but I figured…who cares!!?

High Block while in Horse Stance

Front Kick – I sort of have Robot Eyes here!

In the middle of a Jab! I try to picture hitting someone or something so where I punch stays consistent.

P90X: Day 19 – Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X

20 07 2009

I did the Legs & Back workout early this morning and felt good. Then came the Ab Ripper X. I was still able to do the first 2 exercises all the way through but it wasn’t easy-peasy. I have been trying to focus on straightening my legs more during these exercises. My hamstrings tend to be tight, but slowly I am getting there. I was totally slaughtered today! After the workout I went to the Parkway for a hike. I didn’t think much of the extra hike until I got home. I did a few chores and decided to sit on the couch for a few minutes before showering. Well, I felt cold for some reason and covered up with a blanket. Then I woke up 2 hours later from an unplanned nap zzzzzz! That was crazy unexpected for me to do that! I have read that naps are actually good for people to take during the day, but I think they meant planned ones.

Sneaky Lunges. You lunge on your tippy toes and point your arms back while leaning forward. Then you put your arms straight forward and back again. That equals “1” and you do it 20 times. Stay on your toes the whole time or Tony will yell at you.
img_0434.jpg img_0435.jpg

Deadlift Squats – static legs while you have weights in either hand and go up and down. These make your quads burn!

In the middle of Alternating Side Lunges.

I know this is a legs & back day but my arms were still used! Also, I know this isn’t exactly an “after” picture but I see a slight increase in definition and that makes me happy.

P90X: Day 18 – Yoga X

19 07 2009

You would think these workouts would get easier, but they are still very challenging. During the next week of exercises the routine changes. I will be doing Yoga X twice and Core Synergistics twice. I haven’t had to do that one yet. When I got my dvd set the Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X dvd were skipping badly. I had to get a new set sent to me. There are about 4 discs I am going to watch ahead of time without doing the workout yet so that I make sure they are working before I return them.

Standing on one leg for some of the poses is hard for me. I start off great, tall and straight legged. After about 10 seconds I notice my knees start to bend and my glutes and hips are crying out in pain. It is all I can do to stay standing. Even though I am not perfect for the entire exercise I try to hold out for the entire exercise the best I can. I am thinking of using the yoga blocks that they use in the modified versions of the exercises. The main reason is I want to open my chest more and keep my legs as straight as possible. Perhaps by the next time I do the dvd I’ll have some…

I think a lot of people who are already in shape or just have a naturally slim body don’t realize how difficult yoga, kenpo or any exercise is for somebody with extra weight. When I was an athlete I never thought twice about exercising, I just did it. Having gained a few extra pounds I see how having bigger thighs, a bigger gut and just extra weight in general can be hard on simple things like crunches. You can’t even perform the move like it should be done because you have too much fat in the way! It literally can be like carrying a small child on your back. I didn’t truly appreciate my body until I gained weight. Take it from me, it is easier not only on your body but your especially you mental self-image if you stay in shape rather than have to start at ground zero. So if you see somebody who is overweight and struggling, don’t laugh too hard – that could easily be you. Be proud of them for trying. Better yet, keep in shape so it doesn’t happen to you. If it does, you definitely can make a change no matter if you walk for 1 minute a day and build up day by day. Do your best and believe in yourself!

Pixie wanted some of my Recovery Shake after the workout!

When the yoga mat isn’t in use Willow likes to use it as her bed!

P90X: Day 17 – Shoulders & Arms Plus Ab Ripper X

18 07 2009

I really enjoy this workout, even though it is a challenge. Plus, I really want nice Shoulders and Arms! I had a nice improvement on my Side Tri-Rises (using your body weight to workout your triceps). I’d say my favorite move is the Lying Down Tricep Extensions. Not sure why, but I just really like doing them. The Chair Dips are a challenge for me for some reason. Years ago I could knock out 60 dips no problem, and do 3 sets of them. Today I could only do between 13 and 20.

I felt super sore doing the Ab Ripper X dvd but I accomplished so much it made me happy. The second exercise is where you sit on your butt, lean slightly back and pedal in the air in a forward direction. I feel this tremendously in the top of my thighs and hips. I was unable to do more than 6 pedals without stopping and starting again, never completing all 25. Keep in mind you don’t get any rest periods during this workout, it is straight through from one excruciating exercise to another. Then you do the same thing in reverse. Well, I made it through and did my forward 25! It was great! The backwards 25 I didn’t finish completely, but I was able to fully complete the V-Up/Roll Ups exercise with is a double whammy torture. You lay flat on your back with legs extended straight out and together and arms straight in the air pointing to the ceiling. You keep your legs together and sit up to touch your toes, then as your body rolls back (arms still straight) you bring your straight legs back with you, forming a “V”. When your lower back touches the mat, you pulse up to touch your toes, or as close as you can go. It is more fluid when you do it, but it is a killer move!

These are Static Arm Curls – You have to hold the one weight in mid-air while you do curls with the other arm.

Chair Dips – I did the first set with my knees bent then for the second set I did more reps and with my legs extended.

P90X: Day 16 – Plyometrics of Torture

18 07 2009

Today I wasn’t sure if I just didn’t fuel myself correctly or if I was just pooped during the Plyo X dvd. I feel more tired this week than last week for some reason. I am still pushing through the dvds, but the Plyo today was pure torture towards the end. I noticed some improvement in my workout even though I had less energy throughout it. When I get too exhausted I step through the exercises like the modified versions, just so I don’t seem too much of a wuss. There is an exercise where you jump your legs and knees into your hands, like you are sitting down in the air. Tony Horton called it the “Mother” of all Plyo moves – and yes, it is tough! I actually was able to do some of these in proper form, but my house shakes so much when I land I think I might have to start doing them outside. Sometimes my leg muscles feel so hard during this workout it’s almost like they freeze and I can’t will them to move!

I thought this accidental picture of me warming up looked cool! I am just jogging in place touching my kness to my hands.

I jumped with such force during the Rockstar jump move that I hit the pull cord and it swung all around and got tangled. I’m not sure if you can see that in the picture unless you look hard. It scared me when it hit the glass. I’m so glad I didn’t break one!

Here I am doing the Squat Jumps. These are like jumping jacks only you are in sort of a lunge or crouching position.

Look at the massive amount of sweat on my face – I was drenched! Totally worth the Torture!

P90X: Day 15 – Chest & Back (Beginning Week 3)

16 07 2009

So this is the 3rd and final week of doing the same routine of P90X exercises as the last 2 weeks. When I say “routine” I am not meaning a boring routine. Each time I have done these dvds I focus on trying to improve where I was lacking previously. Whether it is straightening my legs more during an abdominal exercise, reaching further in a stretch or doing more reps it is not boring. Even when I master these exercises I believe they will still challenge me. When I used to play soccer I was in the best shape of my life and every game still wore me out – same principal. If you don’t have the drive or desire in yourself to excel and be your personal best than I can see why you might lose interest. But that is why there are so many different exercise dvds. Even beyond this P90X there are ways that Tony Horton advises you that you can up the ante, like doing Doubles. Or, you can buy P90X Plus. Just thinking of that I started sweating.

Back Fly – working the shoulders!

Today kicked my ass! I’m gonna sleep well tonight!

P90X: Day 14 – Stretch X (Week 2 Complete!)

15 07 2009

My second week of P90X is now complete! I feel great that I have accomplished this so far. Today you can take as a rest day or do X Stretch. I felt like I needed to work on my flexibility. My shoulders and back are really tight today for some reason. Maybe I need some acupuncture. I actually thought that maybe I should do this dvd in the evenings instead of just once a week.

Eventually I want to be able to lift my body higher in this stretch.

This stretch opens you​r chest up and feels good! One side feels tighter than the other. I am working on balancing my whole body. Need to keep my Qi (pronounced “chee”) flowing!

P90X: Day 13 – Kenpo X or the SweatMaker

14 07 2009

Maybe I am clearing the toxins out of my body with P90X’s Kenpo X – all I know is I sweat like c-c-crazy when I do this dvd! My glutes, hips and thighs are really sore today. You use your heart rate monitor today to make sure you are in your correct zone (Target Heart Rate). The low-down on the ho-down is this: if your heart beats too slow you aren’t working out hard enough to reap much benefit & if your heart beats too fast you may be doing more than you need to and could possibly injure yourself. Your zone is determined using your gender and age. If you aren’t sure what your zone is (not like you learn that in kindergarten), you can use this free tool here. Bottom line, burn more calories in the zone! Work smarter, not harder! Also, if you are keeping track of your progress you can use your workout sheets from the booklets that came with the set. I have been writing down my reps when possible and I have found it helps. Today’s workout didn’t require it, but yesterday’s did and I forgot to mention where to reprint the sheets for free (see below).

Here is a pic of the worksheets I have completed thus far. You can download them here so you don’t mess up your booklets.

Me prepping the bandana right before the workout! Notice I don’t look exhausted yet.

Me throwing a jab: Pa-KOw!

During the cool down stretches Willow decided to show me some moral support! She’s always liked to crawl underneath me when I crouch or go on all fours. She’ll usually either boof me with her face or just lay under me like I am a tent. Love it!

P90X: Day 12 – Legs & Back

13 07 2009

Today I had a good walk with my neighbor friend Paul for about an hour. After that I geared up for P90X Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X! Most of the dvds that I have watched are double sets of the workouts with very little or no break in-between. Kind of like a super super set, I guess. Well, the second set of leg exercises had me tired! The second set of pull-ups for shoulders had me pumped. I squeezed out about 2 more on average than the first set. However, I am still using the stool to do them. I dream about doing just one independent pull-up! Believe it or not they are still not that easy when using a stool. I try to put as little support on the toes as I can. I used to be able to do a few with no problem when I was in better shape. Now I want to surpass a few with like 20+!! But one pull at a time I guess….

I fiddled with this photo to enhance the sweat that was running down my shins…and basically everywhere on my body!

Me doing Wall Squats. Just because you are leaning on the wall doesn’t make it any easier!

Me doing Super Skater lunges. These are actually kinda fun! I was trying to be like those Olympians!

P90X: Day 11 – Yoga X

12 07 2009

I have been looking forward to this Yoga X since the first time I did it last week. It was very hard, but I did better this time. I was sweating like a nut job. The Downward Dog poses seem endless! I felt like I had a minor increase in flexibility in my legs. Eventually I know I will be a pretzel! It is 98 minutes long, so I took my recovery shake afterwards.

I have a suggestion for anyone embarking on this P90X journey or any journey like trying to lose weight and get back into shape: Find people that will be supportive of you. It is very difficult to be around friends, family, strangers, lovers, or anyone who does not support you. In fact, this is true for just about everything in life. It is possible to be strong enough to do it on your own, but if you are able I suggest taking the time to find a workout buddy or somebody to share your struggles, goals and successes with. There are various P90X forums you can go to as well. Check out the Beachbody Message Boards Here: http://teambeachbody.com/connect/message-boards

P90X: Day 10 – Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper X

11 07 2009

Pain pain pain! Ab Ripper X killed me today. My core was completely wiped. During the Shoulders & Arms workout I actually said to myself, “Thank goodness I don’t have Ab Ripper X today” but then when the workout ended Ab Ripper started up…….dun dun dun! It was tough but I did see some improvement. I have problems with a few of the exercises like Climbing my Leg but I try my best. Eventually I know I will be able to complete this dvd and then some. The workout was just as challenging as the first time but I saw increases in reps from last week. I couldn’t barely do 1 of the Side Tricep Raises from the Bonus Round. Today I did 13 and 12 on each side. That really made me feel great! I don’t have a clue what is different this time, I just know whatever I have been doing must be working.​ BTW I use 10 lb weights. I can tell already that I am going to have to go higher in a few weeks. The next weight up I have is 12.5 lb. which will be OK for a while, then I might have to go buy a 15 lb. or do extra reps. Eventually I would like to be able to max out using 20-25 lb. weights. Not sure how that will work though since I want lean muscle, not bulk….

Looks like somebody’s tuckered out after the workout!! (Or at least from watching.)

And streeeeeetch!

C’mon! You can lift that weight higher!

Straighten those legs!

Upright Rows – I like these!

The wrist thingees I am wearing are Under Armour Adjustable Wrist Supports. I decided to give these a try and see if they helped – since I am working out intensely for at least an hour for 90 days straight I want to be sure to prevent any injuries. I had to adjust them several times but they felt good. I decided not to wear gloves this time just to change it up.

P90X: Day 9 – Plyo Hell

10 07 2009

I have to be honest and say that today I was not looking forward to doing P90X Plyometrics. I was more sore this morning than I was last night and just felt tight. I tried some static and ballistic stretches but I didn’t start to feel loose until about 40 minutes into the dvd. After that I felt great!

Me right after the workout – sweat city!

Here’s the changes I noticed:

  1. more flexibility in hamstrings – I could put my palms on the floor whereas a week ago I couldn’t go down that far
  2. ankles stronger – when we were doing the “cross” or “plus sign” jumps on one leg I could actually do them whereas last week I couldn’t do them at all on my left foot and the right was a very tough
  3. sweat more than ever – my heart rate was frequently above my target heart rate but mainly it was within or at the peak and the sweat was floooooowing!!!

I was still struggling with doing the dvd 100% through but I kept motivated when Tony Horton would say “You can do anything for 30 seconds!” I mean, he isn’t entirely correct about that in my case right now, but I sure did my best! I know eventually I will be rockin’ n’ sockin’!!

Military March

This picture was really blurry so I fooled around with it for fun – Sister Mary Catherine Lunge

My heart rate was like 169!! The watch was beeping like crazy!

P90X: Day 8 – Starting All Over Again!

9 07 2009

I completed one week of P90X but I am far from done. You have to repeat the first week for 3 weeks, then move onto a Recovery Period before moving into Phase 2. Today was just as tough as the first day! Talk about SORE! But Smiling!!


FYI I have to hit pause when it is time for the pull-ups since my pull-up bar is upstairs. I do a light jog up and do what I can and then jog back down and hit play. It gives me a few seconds extra sometimes to rest. I am doing assisted pull-ups using a stool. I feel kind of like a wimp for not being able to do any pull-ups by myself yet, but then again I have to remind myself that this is only the 8th day. I am giving it my best and that is all I have to give!

In the picture, note that I am using 2 small bins stacked together as a makeshift table to record my workout reps and weight each day. The usable space for the workout in my living room is maybe 7 x 10 and the whole house bounces and shakes. In the picture you can see part of my glass coffee table and rolled up throw rug. I have to roll up the rug and move both the rug and the coffee table out of the way for each workout. It can be annoying. I am using a dining room chair shoved against my sofa. One cat is in front of me (Willow) and if you look closely I almost crushed Pixie beneath me. These Decline Push-Ups are hard for me! I guess what I am trying to say is that I am pretty lo-fi here and I am still feeling the burn. Don’t let a small space or anything else deter you from trying this! No Excuses! I use weight lifting gloves when I do some of the workouts because my hands get sore. I bought the “Perfect Push-Up” bars from Dick’s Sporting Goods because my wrists were killing me after doing so many push-ups and exercises in general. You don’t need all this. I just got it yesterday after I tried the first week without it. There are coupons online to find all this stuff in an affordable manner. Don’t let anything stop you from your goals! It was $29.99 and I had a $10 off coupon – it doesn’t get much better! (I look a little white because I had Badger 30 spf Sunscreen on for my hour long walk before the workout. This stuff is kind of expensive but it is so worth it for the health of your body – no toxins!)


P90X: Day 7 X Stretch

8 07 2009

Today ends my first week of P90X. There is the option to take a day off or do the Stretch X dvd. I did the dvd because I didn’t want to get out of my rhythm and I also think I need to gain more flexibility. This was an hour long dvd that actually made me sweat, despite sounding easy. Just an FYI I am taking the pictures myself by propping the camera on what I can. I have one of those nifty tripod things that have legs that grasp, but for some reason my small camera is too heavy for it. I still went for my hour walk with Paul though. The soreness is minimal today. I am appreciating that!

Here is Pixie helping to hold down the yoga mat!

P90X: Day 6 – Kenpo X

7 07 2009

Today was really hard and really intense. I felt like I was doing some sort of women’s self-defense class! Actually, it was Kenpo X, or martial arts style punching, kicking and blocking. I was really sweating for this one, as it was a whole body workout​. You get to try and improve your coordination and balance, not to mention timing. I found that I had to be focused in a different way than I had to be focused during the Yoga X. I was trying to imagine assailants that I was kicking (and punching) the crap out of and really “Bringing It!” for the entire workout. It’s kind of funny that that is one of the slogans that Tony Horton uses in his P90X dvds as I am known for saying “Bring it on!” around my friends.

Jab, cross, hook, upper cut!

High Sword, then punch like a Low Hammer!

Trying to do a back leg kick! I think both arms were supposed to be in a guard position.


P90X: Day 5 Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X

6 07 2009

Today was a little more than I bargained for, but in a good way! I went walking with my neighbor, Paul, today for about an hour. We walked past some other friends’ house and they were about to take their dogs on a hike, so we joined them. We were in Beltzville, PA – wherever that is! There was some beautiful scenery and lots of people still enjoying their holiday weekend.

Here’s some pics from our hiking adventure. Since it was impromptu I didn’t have my camera, only my low-res cell phone.


Well, that was a nice hike, but I still hadn’t done my P90X. I ate my lunch and then gave myself 30 minutes to digest before I started P90X. I knew it was going to be tough! My legs were killing me but it felt like a good pain. When I did the Ab Ripper X dvd I found that I could actually do more with my abs than I could 5 days ago. I am impressed that I have already seen an improvement in less than a week! Now I am not saying I could do all 300+ moves, but I did better than I did before. As long as I give my best I can’t be disappointed!

Here is a pic of Pixie trying to help me through the workout!

P90X: Day 4 – Yoga X

5 07 2009

Yoga X – not your ordinary yoga dvd. This was 98 minutes of hell! Today was really difficult, as I am not as flexible as I used to be. I tried my best though and was sweating like a whore in church! Many of the poses and stretches felt very good on my body, even though I am still sore. I can tell that if I keep this up I am going to be much more flexible and stress-free. I actually felt a calmness over me after the workout. I do admit that when I looked at the timer and it said 69 minutes to go I felt like, “Are you kidding!?!?”

There was one pose that was on the WiiFit and it made me chuckle. I think it was the Dancer pose.

Here is a picture of the P90X Recovery Shake I have been taking. It is sold by Beachbody, the owner of P90X and dozens of other fitness dvds. The stuff is good! You can buy it through beachbody.com and get a 10% discount if you join as a Club Member. I can’t afford that so I bought mine at robertsfitnesscorner.com for $42.90. Sounds expensive but I guess if you are going to do an extreme workout or you want the best results on any workout you have to pay the price. When I used to do the treadmill 5 days a week along with weight training I would drink an EAS Whey Protein shake before the workouts, followed by a protein shake and a complex carb of some sort. I gained muscle and lost weight. I have also heard that you can drink chocolate milk. I think Olympian Michael Phelps drinks Ovaltine.​
