P90X: Day 15 – Chest & Back (Beginning Week 3)

16 07 2009

So this is the 3rd and final week of doing the same routine of P90X exercises as the last 2 weeks. When I say “routine” I am not meaning a boring routine. Each time I have done these dvds I focus on trying to improve where I was lacking previously. Whether it is straightening my legs more during an abdominal exercise, reaching further in a stretch or doing more reps it is not boring. Even when I master these exercises I believe they will still challenge me. When I used to play soccer I was in the best shape of my life and every game still wore me out – same principal. If you don’t have the drive or desire in yourself to excel and be your personal best than I can see why you might lose interest. But that is why there are so many different exercise dvds. Even beyond this P90X there are ways that Tony Horton advises you that you can up the ante, like doing Doubles. Or, you can buy P90X Plus. Just thinking of that I started sweating.

Back Fly – working the shoulders!

Today kicked my ass! I’m gonna sleep well tonight!